NOTE: Some of the listed cemeteries were obtained from USGenWeb search and will be listed below by name and location only. If you see [USGW] at the end of the line, you need to go to the USGenWeb site at
and click on the state where the cemetery is located then go to the county for the cemetery link.
Lakeside Cemetery, Ionia Co., MI [USGW]
Walnut Shade Cemetery, Taney Co., MO [USGW]
New Bethel Baptist Cemetery, Rutherford Co., NC [USGW]
Rutherford Memorial Cemetery, Rutherford Co., NC [USGW]
Trinity Baptist Cemetery, Cleveland Co., NC [USGW]
- OHIO -
Love Co., OK Burial Listings
Blue Springs Cemetery, Roane Co., TN [USGW]
Caldwell Co., TX Cemeteries [USGW]
Ralls Cemetery, Crosby Co., TX [USGW]
Spur Memorial Cemetery, Dickens Co., TX [USGW]
Midkiff Cemetery, Lincoln Co., WV [USGW]
Red Warrior Cemetery, Kanawha Co., WV [USGW]
Ridgeview Cemetery, Ridgeview, Boone Co., WV
[According to Steve Estep <>: "There is a cemetery with a number of deceased Estep family members located in a unincorporated community named Ridgeview in Boone Co., WV. Several of my immediate family members are buried there -- my father, Ronald Wallace Estep (died 1971), my mother Lena Estep (died 1977), a younger brother Randall Blake Estep (died 1971) and a host of other family -- my maternal grandmother, aunts, uncles, cousins from other family lines such as the Hills and Kinders. This cemetery is located on the side of a hill just across from an abandoned mine about 1 mile upstream from Don Estep's old general store and about a mile downstream from Carl Estep's store. I was born and raised in Ridgeview and attended elementary school there until the third grade when we moved to Kanawha City, WV -- and a year later to Marmet, WV. The last time I visited the cemetery was over ten years ago to attend my mother's funeral. The cemetery did not have any roadside markers for it and it was on a relatively small area of gently sloping hillside. I tried to locate the exact coordinates for it on Google Earth, but since it does not have a town or other significant item of interest, the level of detail just fuzzed out as I zoomed in. Google Earth did pinpoint Ridgeview, WV -- it just would not show houses and other landmarks as it does for towns and cities. (30 Sep 2007).]
Sand Run Cemetery, Kanawha Co., WV
[This cemetery is in Young's Bottom, near Elkview. The Ellard Estep family is buried there and includes wife Estaline, son Donald, grandson Bobby Joe (son of Donald), daughter Mary Nida, daughter Dorothy Robinson, and grandson Richard Robinson. These are descendants of Thomas Estep of MD. Information sent by (May 2007).]